Friday, December 27, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Marketing Communications Ford - 3565 Words
Executive Summary This report highlights the importance of Marketing Communications; the role of Marketing Communications, analysis of the Automobile Industry and the analysis and practical application of Marketing Communication strategies by Ford Motor Co. the report also shows Ford’s Corporate Social Responsibility and the practice of Ethical Marketing. The targeting, segmentation and positioning by Ford are also analyzed. Finally the report provides recommendations on how to improve the marketing communications and suggest strategies that the company should use along with the current marketing communication strategies. Background and Importance of Marketing Communications Marketing communications is a management process of†¦show more content†¦One of the latest Ford achievements with conventional vehicle technology is the new Ford Focus ECOnetic range. â€Å"Ford Motor Company is working on a variety of hybrid technologies taking into account diverse local market conditions. Different levels of hybridisation will help to optimize the efficiency of any combustion engine. Advanced stop/start systems in combination with regenerative braking can significantly contribute to lower fuel consumption under certain driving conditions.† The combination of bio-ethanol and Fords Flexifuel technology can – seen from a well-to-wheel perspective (i.e. from the production of the feedstock for the fuel to the end use in the vehicle) versus a similar petrol engine - lower fossil CO2 emis-sions by between 30 per cent and 80 per cent, depending on the feedstock used and the production process. Objectives. â€Å"Our Vision: to become the worlds leading company for automotive products and services. Our Mission: we are a global, diverse family with a proud heritage, passionately committed to providing outstanding products and services. Our Values: We do the right thing for our people, our environment and our society, but above all for our customers.† (November12, 2007) Ford has outlined its marketing objectives as becoming the largest automobile company in the world, to cater to allShow MoreRelatedCompany Analysis : Henry Ford Hospital1560 Words  | 7 PagesHenry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a level one trauma center that is recognized for clinical excellence in cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, transplants, and treatment for cancer (Henry, 2016). Henry Ford Health Systems has over 23,000 employees, and is the fifth largest employer in the Metro-Detroit area, and is also one of the most diverse health systems (Henry, 2016). As part of a successful marketing strategy, health care organizations use branding to promote their vision, and values. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Freedom free essay sample
Describe a first that had a powerful impact on your thinking. I wouldpoint to one of my first concerts as something that greatly affected me. Thisparticular concert was a complex light show synchronized with Pink Floyds 1973masterpiece Dark Side of the Moon. Many consider this album awork of art on a par with some of the greatest literature and music ever, and theideas hidden in its lyrics are truly remarkable. Dark Side of theMoon has been analyzed, studied, and interpreted many times, like someliterature. The lyrics show how the stresses and pressures of life lead to aquasi-madness, or even insanity, to which we all become numb. Time,Money, and On the Run all piece together a frighteninglyrealistic portrayal of a life that eventually builds to derangement as seen inthe climactic track, Brain Damage. Dark Side of theMoon is intellectually exciting because its innuendoes can be interpreted,and I have found the album has expanded these abstract thinking abilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It hasconvinced me that many unwittingly fall victim to societys evils. Some say thealbum is horribly depressing, but it has molded me into viewing life as arealist. The poetry that expresses these ideas is woven into lush layers of soundand harmony. Perfection is rarely reached in any human endeavor, and it isfascinating that such complex ideas about life can be expressed in thiscombination of words and music. In addition to shaping my thoughts aboutlife, this album has reassured me that music brings people together.Unfortunately, most popular music today cannot measure up to the standard ofgreatness achieved by this masterpiece. Although anyone can enjoy it for itsentertainment value, those who invest time and thought, and attempt tounderstand, can have the same exhilarating experience I had. Dark Side ofthe Moon is usually described as ambiguous, but the words and music speakpowerfully and clearly to those who want to experience this achievement in music. Freedom free essay sample The countries I havecalled home have immeasurably shaped who I am. The exposure to a myriad of diverse people, cultures,classes and religions in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) and the incredible freedom in America that shocksme to this day have influenced how I perceive myself and the world around me. Growing up in theU.A.E., I played with Jean-Pierre, a French boy, Walid, a Palestinian, and Iditi, a girl from Pakistan. I wastaught by Ms. Ewing from Great Britain and supervised on the playground by Mr. Nasser, an Arab. On myway to school, I greeted the shepherd who herded his sheep past our house, and watched women laden withgold jewelry and gems send their maids into the heat to buy them something to drink. Sitting in Sundayschool in the church started by missionaries, I could hear one of the five daily prayers called out from thenearby mosque. We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Walking home in the blistering heat, I could hear the laughter and chatter of the Indianwomen constantly adjusting their saris as they walked. Looking back, I realize how privileged Iwas to spend my formative years steeped in diversity, for though America is called a melting pot, theU.A.E. offered a chance to see and learn true respect for the differing beliefs and cultures firmly imbeddedin people around me. The U.S., however, offered me something often taken for granted liberty. Iremember thinking as a child, Where does it end? as I read of the rights of Americans. Its not just wordswas my next thought as I watched a disheveled man denounce the U.S. government on the street and heardthe secrets of the President not just spread in quiet whispers but announced on national television. Havingthe opportunity and the resources to hear and know everything that occurs here and around the world hasshown me how much was previously unavailable to me. The great freedom I have found in Americahas also come with great responsibility. The respect I gained for diversity in the U.A.E. prepared me to dealresponsibly with the freedom I was later offered. The combination of these places has taught me to begrateful for my experiences, and made me the person I am today.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne is a critically acclaimed author in world literature. He gained recognition as the writer behind the novel The Scarlet Letter. However, Hawthorne also penned many short stories, those which he is best known for. One of those short stories was Young Goodman Brown. Need essay sample on "Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Students Very Often Tell Us: I need to write a 1200-word cold war essay. But I don't have the time EssayLab professionals propose: Essay Help Provided Here With Beneficial Facilities! The story revolves someone named Goodman Brown, a young man who had been married for three months and was about to leave his wife Faith at sunset to go on an unspecified journey (Hawthorne, 1937). After saying goodbye to Faith, Goodman Brown proceeds to enter the dark realm of the forest, wherein an old man of about fifty years awaits him. At this point in the story, the readers are still unaware of the protagonist's destination. Meanwhile, as they traveled deeper into the forest, they encounter some of the Goodman Brown's townsfolkmost of whom are well-respected citizens. Soon, it was revealed that the journey of Goodman Brown led to a witches' meeting. Goodman Brown was shocked to find most of the people he knew to be God-fearing belonged to this wicked congregation. However, he was most shocked to find his innocent and kind wife in attendance as well. While he was calling out to her, he found himself alone in the forest and the images of the witches' meeting were absent. Goodman B rown was uncertain if what he had witnessed was indeed true, or if what he saw was merely a bad dream. Regardless of the true nature of what had really happened in the forest, he was forever altered. He never saw the townspeople the same way again; his relationship with his wife never returned to the way it was before he left for the forest. As a result, he died a miserable man (Hawthorne, 1937). What could Hawthorne's story mean? It could be interpreted in two ways. First, it can be seen as one man's struggle with temptation. When Goodman Brown spoke to his wife before his departure, he said that his journey "as thou callest it, forth and back again" (Hawthorne, 1937, p. 1033). Goodman Brown was prompted to take part in such journey as sin and temptation have called him frequently. This situation appears to demonstrate how people are human beings are often lured by temptation and sin. Goodman Brown said this about his wife: "she's a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night I'll cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven" (Hawthorne, 1937, p. 1033). He said this because he thought his wife was good while he was the one who was swayed by temptation. This was the reason why he called his decision to leave "his present evil purpose" (Hawthorne, 1937, p. 1033). Goodman Brown's companion on his journey to the witches' meeting could have been the devil. He was a mysterious old man who disappeared and was most notable for the staff he carried. Hawthorne (1937) described the staff as that which "bore the likeness of great black snake, so curiously wrought that it might almost be seen to twist and wriggle itself like a living serpent" (p. 1034). In fact, this description allows the story to be interpreted the same way as the story of Adam and Eve. In this instance, Goodman Brown can be the representation of Adam as the man lured by the devil to eat from the forbidden tree. His elder companion in the forest was the devil, and it was his staff which served as the serpent that was to tempt people into committing evil deeds. In the end, his experience with the devil had corrupted him and damaged him for life. The second interpretation can be that the story is about false pretenses and mistaken opinions. Goodman Brown had embarked on a journey to the witches' meeting, leaving his good wife, as well as the noble and incorruptible people of Salem behind. He is accompanied by the devil as they go further into the depths of the forest. In the beginning, Goodman Brown was eager to abort his plan and return home. He told the elder man, "We have been a race of honest men and good Christians since the days of the martyrs; and shall I be the first of the name of Brown that ever took this path" (Hawthorne, 1937, p. 1034). Goodman Brown knew his family's respectable history and he initially thought that none of his family members were previously involved in such evil pursuit. The devil was quick to correct him: "They were my good friends, both; and many a pleasant walk have we had along this path, and returned merrily after midnight" (Hawthorne, 1937, p. 1034). Goodman Brown would soon learn that his grandfather and father were not as respectable as he thought; the former hurt a Quaker woman and the latter participated in burning a village. He mused, "We are a people of prayer, and good works to boot, and abide no such wickedness" (Hawthorne, 1937, p. 1035). As the journey progressed, Goodman Brown became more convinced that people he knew were not as they appeared to be. Goody Cloyse, the woman who taught him catechism, was also a participant in the witches' meeting. The minister and Deacon Gookin were also present in the gathering. Most importantly, Faith was there as well. The wife who Goodman Brown thought was righteous was also evil. Goodman Brown had suffered immensely after what he witnessed in the forest. His perception of the people in his town had drastically changed, as he was able to break through their proper facades and see for himself their evil ways. Whether or not what occurred in the forest was real or not, Goodman Brown's faith in people was already altered. Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story Young Goodman Brown is a text which is open to multiple interpretations. It can be seen as similar to the tale of Adam and Eve; it tells of the protagonist Goodman Brown's fall from grace as he was tempted to sin by walking into the witches' meeting with the devil. It can also be seen as a cautionary tale about people and the artificial masks which they put on. While they are religious and upright from the outside, they can be evil in reality. Regardless of the interpretation, the tale conveys one message: man's struggle with the evils he is confronted with. Human beings must deal with the constant threat of sin and evil in their everyday lives. As shown by the characters in the story, there are those who do not succeed in this struggle. Thus, Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story which presents the evils in the midst of men and the failure of many to defeat them. Reference Hawthorne, N. (1937). The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne (N.H. Pearson, Ed.). New York: Random House, Inc.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Strong Tie free essay sample
Tie Ltd. a family-owned manufacturing tool producer has managed to maintain stable sales numbers throughout recent years even while the Housing market as a whole was on a negative trend. While this should translate into higher profit margins, the exact opposite trend has occurred. The solution to Strong Tie’s financial problems is an increase in prices of goods and salary cuts. Beginning in 2006 where Strong Tie has Sales of 16. 2 million, the company maintained healthy sales between the 16 and 17. 5 million. However Operating Income decreased by 29% and then another 75% the following year. Two main factors led to this trend: COGS and Depreciation. After analyzing the way Strong Tie has managed their goods. Their Raw Material Turnover was close to par with benchmark numbers at 27 days which means they have been converting the raw materials into finished goods on exceptional timing. The days in Work in Progress was also progressing at a healthy rate going from 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Strong Tie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 5 days in 2006 to nearly 1 day in 2008. In other words, they were able to finish goods at faster rates. With these two healthy rates, there should have been increasing profits, however one variable was stopping it from happening; Days in Finished Goods. Strong Tie’s most profitable year was 2006 where days in finished goods was 45 which was close to on par with the benchmark of 51. But by 2008, Strong Tie had finished goods flying off the shelves by 26 days. If customers are buying the products this fast, the prices of these goods are way too low which has resulted in a substantial loss of profit. Therefore the first recommendation would be to increase prices substantially. Depreciation on the other hand was expected to occur but the cost nearly doubled in 2006 from 396k to 720k in 2008 most likely from a major breakdown of equipment and repair costs. Depreciation costs may also have derived from Strong Tie investing on new automated feeders and packaging equipment. So while the balance sheet shows increasing rates of depreciation and selling expenses, expect those costs to lower once again. This investment also has the potential to speed up the rate at which raw materials are converted into finished goods. With more finished goods to sell at higher prices, Operating Income will see a growing trend. Another cause of concern in Strong Tie is the extra dividends that are being paid along with the Salary bonuses. First off the 1 million dollar bonus to the three daughters equates to about 350k per daughter. That type of salary is not justifiable to three employees and is negatively affecting the retained earnings to the business. The 500k being paid every year to someone that has no relationship to the business at all is also a waste of potential gains. Two recommendations here would boost retained earnings significantly. First off the salary of the three daughters needs to be significantly lowered. It would be preferred to hire new employees to fill that position and get paid reasonable wages. Second, it would be in the company’s best interest to seek out a new shareholder for the 500k in dividends being paid every year. Current shareholder needs to be replaced with someone with vision for the company that attends the roundtable meetings and contributes their input to the overall goals of the company. One topic that has the potential to become an issue is the financing of the credit agreement with the Bank of Nova Scotia. Financing is guaranteed only if Strong Tie is able to maintain a variety of benchmarks. First a current ratio of 1.5 or higher was needed. The company started out strong in 2006 with a ratio of 5 but has declined to 3. 13 in its most recent year. This decreasing rate is not too threatening however because the use of resources will be more efficiently used with the new equipment and automatic machinery that has been purchased. The company needed to follow a Long-term debt to Total Capitalization Ratio of 40% or less and has been able to but again is getting closer to that benchmark. The reason for that was the risk that it has taken undergoing the same investment in new capital. The one area that Strong Tie is currently struggling with in the benchmarks they need to maintain is Cash Flow Coverage. They need to maintain over 1, but that number dropped to . 57 in 2008. One of the reasons why this number has dropped below the requirement is because of the increasing cost of depreciation that has been accumulating that is being paid for. Once the company raises its prices on how much they sell their goods for will the Cash Flow Coverage go back to its requirement since Depreciation costs should already be on the process of lowering with the new equipment. Strong Tie’s investment in automation currently has the company on edge at the moment with its net income, but in time that investment will pay off. While the demand for houses in the market went down significantly during this period (2006-2008), Strong Tie has maintained stable sales numbers partly because of how low the prices have been. While 2008 was Strong Tie’s weakest year from an income standpoint, lenders (particularly Bank of Nova Scotia) should not worry as long as Strong Tie increases the prices of goods so that the Cash Flow Coverage ratio returns to normal. While financing may appear to be in danger currently, the current capital will hold the spine together of this company until these changes are made. Finally the last major changes needed are to the salaries being paid to Johnstone’s three daughters and a potential new shareholder. Once this annual cost of 1. 5 million is eased and with increased prices to sales goods we will see Strong Tie becoming profitable again.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Insure vs. Ensure
Insure vs. Ensure Insure vs. Ensure Insure vs. Ensure By Maeve Maddox When in a recent post I used the word insure in a context that had nothing to do with underwriting, more than one reader wrote to chide me for not using the word ensure. I’ll confess. The rule that insure must be used only in the context of indemnifying against loss is one that has never penetrated to my subconscious. I’ve read the rule. I’ve even written about the rule, but I can’t seem to rid myself of the idea that ensure is British spelling for insure. The verb ensure entered the language in the Middle Ages. The earliest OED citation is 1385. The earliest documentation for insure is 1440. Until the 17th century, the forms ensure and insure were used interchangeably with a variety of meanings, including that of insuring a person’s life or property against loss. According to OED citations, ensure was still being used in the 18th century with the meaning of buying insurance: â€Å"The price of ensuring the Life of a Man of 20 (1693).†And in the late 19th century, insure was still being used in contexts in which the modern rule requires ensure: â€Å"An ardour which could hardly fail to insure success (1862).†The Penguin Writer’s Manual notes that the verb â€Å"generally used in the active form to mean â€Å"make (something) certain†is ensure,†but also notes that ensure is often spelled insure in American English. For modern writers of American English, however, both The Chicago Manual of Style and The AP Stylebook urge the distinction: Ensure is the general term meaning to make sure something will (or won’t) happen. In best usage, insure is reserved for underwriting financial risk. –CMOS Use ensure to mean guarantee. Use insure for references to insurance. –AP Use ensure when you mean guarantee. Reserve insure for talking about a financial arrangement meant to secure the payment of a sum of money in the event of loss or damage: Worn or damaged parts are replaced to ensure the safety. They go all the way to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of their passengers. How to Properly Insure Your Home Against Winter Weather Insuring Against The High Costs Of Cancer Your renters’ policy will state exactly what youre insured against. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Does [sic] Mean?Empathy "With" or Empathy "For"?Comment, Suggestion, and Feedback
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assignment One Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Assignment One - Essay Example The lives of Giovanni and Lusanna further portray the differing social statuses of women as well as the role they play in the revitalization. On the other hand, the lives of Martin and Bertrande show the arising events throughout the lives of this couple. However, all these events come back to a common ground, which is love. Love then grows and ends with marriage, and at this point, its relationship with law starts to develop2. These two stories about lives of two different couples are similar in a number of ways. To begin with, both stories reveal a lot of love between the couples, which in turn leads to marriage. According to the story about Giovanni and Lusanna, for instance, the theme of love proves to prevail on their day of marriage. The author states that their lives together proved that marriages actually happened out of love, not arrangements by parents. This means that two people had to come together and have a relationship before getting married to each other. Consequently , it served to enhance how much they knew each other and gave time for the two families to familiarize with each other. Similarly, the lives of Martin and Bertrande develop the aspect of marriage. Their story begins with the two getting married. Although their first appearance in the story is when they are teenagers, the author straight away drives us to the wedding ceremony. The usual procession then takes place after paying the bride’s dowry, and the wedding ceremony is over. However, with them it occurs in a much-unexpected manner. This renders marriage as a tremendously significant aspect in the story since it introduces it. In addition, the couples in each story go through a marriage ceremony perhaps with the intent of sealing their relationship and making it public. Furthermore, both stories incorporated the facet of law in them. In the life of Giovanni and Lusanna, her representation by her brother in the archbishop’s court incorporates the aspect of law. As men tioned in the Florence law, women could not represent themselves, but instead their legal guardians presented their cases. The author also explains the use of law to fight for the rights of women. Nevertheless, in the life story of Martin and Bertrande, law was a pivotal aspect in resolving disputes. The characteristic of law developed when Martin came back to their home and out of nowhere claimed himself as the rightful heir to the family’s wealth. Martin demanded that he get his portion of the inheritance despite his disappearance. He made it worse by threatening his uncle, who now headed the family, that if he did not give him his inheritance, he would take the disagreement to court. This tells the reader that people in the story recognized the presence of the courts, and they were subject to its ruling. Conversely, both stories had disagreeing aspects, for instance, the social interactions. In the lives of Giovanni and Lusanna, there is a clear background of social intera ctions, as opposed to the story about Martin and Bertrande. Additionally, in Giovanni’s and Lusanna’s lives, the entire process diffuses into the story in a progressive manner, perhaps in the effort to explain their background. Although support of premarital relationships was minimal in their times, people still engaged themselves in premarital intercourse. This explains the realities of
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